You can be approved for a national interest waiver under the employment based second preference even if you are not a member of a profession holding an advanced degree.  At The Law Office of Rachel Casseus, we will work with you to show US Immigration that you have exceptional ability in the sciences, arts or business, that qualify you for a National Interest Waiver. Contact our office, here, to schedule your free consultation.

Here is a list of approved national interest waiver cases:

  • Sculling Coach: The immigration appeals office, the AAO, approved a national interest waiver petition for a sculling coach based on their finding that sculling, which is an Olympic sport, is an area of “substantial intrinsic merit” and that the national interest can be served by cultural means, as well as by “means more directly linked to economic or physical well-being.*  This is sculling
  • Medical Researchers: Cases have been approved for medical researchers who were able to prove that they were key players in crucial ongoing projects related to, the study of diabetes and various psychiatric disorders, study of cancer, etc. The immigration appeals office concluded that each had demonstrated a record of achievement with some degree of influence on their respective fields as a whole
  • Researcher working in Poultry Safety Molecular Biology: The AAO found that the researchers working in this field was of substantial merit to the United States.
  • Fraud Protection related to data mining: Business and individuals have lost millions of dollars due to malicious computer virus’ and individuals committing fraud.  It is of substantial intrinsic merit to the U.S. economy that there are people working to prevent fraud
  • Engineering related to helicopter fatigue analysis: It is squarely within the national interest to ensure that helicopter operators are working in safe environments
  • Postdoctoral Research Scientist: This scientist received a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering. The NIW was awarded based on the scientist’s work with silicon chips and super-computing
  • Postdoctoral Research Scientist: This scientist received a Ph.D. in Natural Science.  The NIW was awarded based on the scientist’s work on Biosensing
  • Engineer: This scientist received a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering. The NIW was awarded based on the scientist’s work on intelligent transportation systems
  • Postdoctoral Researcher: This scientist received a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering. The NIW was awarded based on the scientist’s work on Combustion technology
  • Research Associate: This scientist received a Ph.D. in Physics. The NIW was awarded based on the scientist’s work on Solar physics
  • Postdoctoral Fellow: This scientist received a Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering. The NIW was awarded based on Environmental science and engineering
  • Geological Scientist: This scientist received a Ph.D. in Groundwater Hydrology. The NIW was awarded based on the scientist’s work on groundwater flow
  • Postdoctoral Researcher:  This scientist received a Ph.D. in Chemistry. The NIW was awarded based on drug research
  • Research Associate:  This scientist received a Ph.D. in Biochemistry.  The NIW was awarded based on Biomedical research
  • Research Scientist: This scientist received a Ph.D. in Biology. The NIW was awarded based on Molecular biological research
  • Postdoctoral Fellow: This scientist received a Ph.D. in Biology and Genetics. The NIW was awarded based on cancer research
  • Computer Professional working in information management systems
  • Software developer of stock option valuation.
  • Creator of sheet metal parts
  • Managing director for non-profit organization that creates jobs in inner cities.
  • Owner of business who employed over 200 employees and reduced the trade deficit
  • Businessman: National Interest served by improving U.S. Nigerian business relations in the oil business.
  • Mechanical Engineer: working in HVAC field.  This person had numerous expert opinions without widespread citation to published work
  • Computation Mechanics Engineer who helped to develop AGILE software
  • Specialist in gear machinery who designed system in aircraft to reduce failure.
  • Investment Analyst
  • Player of accordion music
  • AIDS researcher
  • Avian Flu researcher
  • Biochemistry basis of mood stabilizers
  • Researcher on two anti-cancer drugs, one of which could be used to treat
  • Researcher in bioinformatics
  • Researcher in Molecular biology and hematology in lymphoma and cancer research with thousands of downloads to her articles
  • Researcher who discovered therapeutic antibodies for prison diseases
  • Researcher in Biomed who obtained letters from two Nobel Laureates
  • Researcher in suppression of cancer cells
  • Researcher in prostate and breast cancers
  • Researcher in Cardiology
  • Researcher in Diabetes
  • Genetics Reseacher
  • Researcher in Neurodegenerative and infectious diseases
  • Researcher in Genetic disorders
  • Researcher in Hemoglobinopathies
  • Researcher in Leprosy/Arthritis
  • Researcher in microbiology who developed salmonella vaccines
  • Researcher in Multiple Sclerosis
  • Researcher in Obesity
  • Researcher in Pathology
  • Researcher in Pharmaceuticals
  • Researcher in Radiology
  • Nonmedical Research in Acoustic Technology to discover buried landmines
  • Researcher in Animal Pregnancy
  • Researcher in Atmospheric sciences
  • Researcher in Bioremediation
  • Researcher in Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to examine chemical components of drugs
  • Researcher in analytic chemistry including capillary electrochromatography
  • Researcher in Chemical synthesis of nanowires
  • Researcher in Dairy Nutrition: lactating dairy cow feeding methods
  • Researcher in Entomology controlling insect population
  • Researcher in Geochemical Research: mineral fluid reactions using spectroscopy
  • Researcher in Genome and Signalling Pathways
  • Researcher in Nanotechnology nanoscience emphasizing how surface chemistry affects optical properties of nanomaterials
  • Researcher in Integration of nanostructured germanium with current silicon technologies.
  • Researcher in Nuclear Reactor Safety
  • Researcher in Hydrologic modeling for pollution and groundwater contamination
  • Researcher in Semiconductors and Rock Fluid Physics
  • Researcher in Plant Physiology
  • Researcher in Telecommunications Aircraft advanced atmospheric turbulence modeling, high performance computing methods and data-parralel techniques.
  • TV reporter serving the Asian community had national, not only local impact in the Bay Area.